How Is Child Support Calculated?
As a parent who is going through the divorce process, you will need an attorney who can help you to understand how child support is calculated and help to determine if it can be deviated from in any way. Each parent is responsible for providing financial support to his or her children, and I am here to help ensure that it is determined in a fair and just manner.
As a family law attorney serving people throughout the Denver metro area — including where my two offices are located in Littleton and Broomfield — I am aware of the concerns that you have. You are concerned about ensuring that your children are taken care of, and you are concerned about your finances. I have more than 30 years of experience and am dedicated to protecting your rights and the best interests of your children.
The Result Is Only As Good As The Numbers Used
Colorado child support is one area of law that is somewhat cut and dry: a statutory formula calculates child support payments. The main factors that go into the calculation include:
- Each parent’s income
- The number of children
- The number of overnights that the noncustodial parent will have with the children
- Day care expenses
- Health insurance expenses
Determining support is usually a matter of basic math. However, there are instances where exceptions can arise. For example, if a parent is self-employed or hiding income, it may be necessary to call upon financial experts to help determine the actual income. It can be difficult to deviate from the calculated amount, but I am able to help you through these matters.
When Can You Ask For A Child Support Modification?
Income and other financial elements change over time, and the system is set up so that child support payments are reviewed regularly. However, if you have a concern with the payments that you are responsible for or the payments that you are receiving, it may be possible to have a lawyer assist you with a modification.
Call Today For Help In The Denver Metro Area
I offer free initial consultations to parents going through divorce or those who have been in child support payment agreements for years and possibly need an attorney’s help. Call me at 303-763-5286, or send an email for a free initial consultation..
I can schedule appointments in convenient locations at flexible times and talk with you about arranging a payment plan that fits your needs.