What Are The Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Requirements?

Figuring out what kind of debt relief option is right for you can be difficult. When you contact me, you will speak with a Littleton Chapter 7 bankruptcy attorney who understands the nuances of each option and how to best address your issues.
Contact me today at the Colorado Law Firm of Ronald S. Dee to discuss your options and how I can help.
No matter your income level, I will work to help you keep as much of your assets and income as possible, while helping you get out from under credit card debt, outrageous medical bills or any other pressing financial obligations.
Qualifying For Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
Compared to a Chapter 13 bankruptcy, a Chapter 7 bankruptcy can often save you money, and it usually only takes three months to complete. For these reasons, many people find Chapter 7 bankruptcy preferable. It gets rid of all your unsecured debt except for student loans and taxes incurred within the last three years.
Still, qualifying for Chapter 7 requires you meet income-level requirements. If you are under the income cap, then filing for Chapter 7 should be fairly straightforward, but every case is different.
If your income exceeds the income cap, some lawyers just drop your case and leave you with no debt relief options. When you contact my firm, we will help you find other means of debt relief. This may include looking at the Chapter 7 “means test,” which compares your net income to your living expenses (can only have a little net income left over), or it could include filing a Chapter 13 bankruptcy.
Experienced And Affordable Representation
I’ve been handling these types of cases for more than 30 years. Call me at 303-763-5286 to find out how bankruptcy could help you. Flexible appointments can be scheduled at a location convenient to you upon request. Payment plans that fit your needs are also available.
We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.